Some of the world’s most brilliant creations were created out of necessity and our products are no different. In 2010, my then infant daughter had little red spots on her cheeks, after a concerning trip to the pediatrician, I was told that she had a common frustrating skin condition called eczema. Eczema left my daughter riddled with itchy dry skin that can often leave scarring. The prescription provided by her doctor was only a band aid, if not applied religiously her itchy inflamed skin would return making matters worse. Frustrated and feeling hopeless I began to wonder what the ingredients were in the medication prescribed and why it didn’t have lasting effects? After reading the laundry list of multi syllable chemicals I began to feel a great deal of concern.

As Moms we develop super human strength when it comes to defending and protecting our children, determined to heal my daughters’ skin I started to do my own research. In my quest to discover natural resources with skin healing properties I discovered shea butter and it's amazing benefits.

I immediately began incorporating shea butter into her daily moisturizing routine and noticed immediate results! Within days, her skin began to heal and become soft and supple without scarring – All without any harsh unknown substances. Now completely in love with shea butter I began to use it in my daily regimen as well and not just as a skin moisturizer, but also in our hair. I would often purchase it in different forms to test which scent and texture worked best, but I was never completely satisfied. Either the scent didn't last, or the texture wasn’t to my liking. After becoming frustrated with what was available and becoming vegan, I decided no one understood our needs better than me. It was then that I decided to make my own shea butter-based body products.

I care for the health and well being of each of my customers skin as if it were my own . Each product in our company is hand crafted and made with love. With our smooth and light texture, Cass Naturals products are easy to apply and have lasting fragrances that are subtle and not overpowering.

I sincerely appreciate you taking the time to learn about our story and for trying our products.